60-Year-Old Woman Gets A Professional Makeover And Even She Can’t Recognize Herself

If you are anything like us, you are probably looking for ways to shake up your beauty routine. There is something to be said for never allowing yourself to fall into a rut that you cannot get out of. What happens when we have outgrown certain clothing styles and find ourselves in search of something new? This is where the assistance of the professionals comes into play.

Any makeover can make us feel incredible, even if we are just receiving some assistance from our friends. Our physical appearance can always use a pick me up but there are internal makeovers that we need to consider. It is not what is on the outside that is important. It is the inside that counts. We may not receive the same amount of compliments but this is not what it is all about, though.

Just take a look at our friend Debbie here. She looks like any other woman of a certain age, right? Wait until you see the results of her hangover, though. She turned to the one and only Christopher Hopkins for help and the results are amazing. Some may know him by his professional title, however. To those who know him best, he is The Makeover Guy!

He’s not just a makeover artist anymore. He is also an author and a very well known television personality. Oprah Winfrey and the Today Show have both allowed him to grace their stages. He has also assembled his very own team of fashion advisers and stylists to help out. It is no surprise that people come from all over the country to receive his assistance.

Debbie is not the type of woman to embrace the makeover process. She was a bit nervous before meeting up with Christopher but she would soon learn that she had nothing to fear. Debbie was in the best hands possible and you will be stunned by the results that Christopher was able to achieve. We cannot believe that this is the same woman!

Once Debbie got the chance to take in her new look, she was more than pleased with what took place. If you would like to see Debbie’s new look and find out more about the next chapter of her life, be sure to check out the awesome clip below. We are definitely jealous of the fact that she got the chance to receive a makeover from the one and only Makeover Guy!

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