Adorable Dog Has Hilariously Adorable Way Of Tricking People Into Playing With Him

Riley was placed in a California shelter because his original family was unable to keep him. He was sent away at the tender age of ten weeks old. Fortunately, he was adopted right away. His new mother decided that she wanted a new golden retriever to call her own. Riley was a great addition to this household and he got along well with her new family right away.

He is the type of dog who is always able to make new friends because of his sweet demeanor. Little did anyone know how beloved this pup would eventually become. He is a friendly dog who likes to survey the neighborhood. His mother even provided him with his very own box so that he could look out over the wall that keeps him barricaded in his own yard.

Riley is not one to let these types of barriers stop him from making new friends, though. He spends a lot of his time at the wall and does not hesitate to make his presence known to anyone who happens to come by. He’s become a bit of a paparazzi magnet in his Los Angeles neighborhood. People even come by to take selfies with Riley and post them on Instagram.

When Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was being filmed next door to the house, even the cast became pals with Riley. Riley’s mother can barely browse the Internet without running into pictures of her own dog. Even people that she has never actually met seem to be close friends with Riley. This is one dog who knows how to make the rounds.

To Riley, there is no such thing as meeting a stranger. He just views everyone as a friend that he has yet to make yet. If someone dares to walk past his fence without saying hello, he’s got quite the gambit to get their attention. He simply drops his balls over the fence and forces them to pick it up for him. What an adorable and silly pup.

This trick works just about every single time that he tries it and we understand why he refuses to quit. That is how he has managed to become such a local celebrity. There is just something about a friendly dog that makes it hard for people to turn away. Be sure to share this awesome dog’s story with all of the animal lovers in your life as soon as possible.

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