Families Can Now Co-Sleep With This Giant Mattress

Co-sleeping is a practice that is often introduced by parents that are looking to assist their little ones. When kids can no longer sleep in a cot but are not ready for a regular bed, parents will allow them to share a bed with them. Other parents may allow it because they enjoy letting their kids hunker down with them in the mornings.

Some children also benefit from these arrangements because they experience regular nightmares. While some may find these types of setups to be strange, they tend to be commonplace in certain parts of the world. Unfortunately, these types of sleeping arrangements can lead to overcrowding. It can be tough for families to fit in one bed like this.

Once you start to add multiple children to the mix, it becomes tough for families to maneuver. The Ace Collection is looking to fix this problem by creating beds that are specifically designed for this purpose. These beds are a whopping 12 feet wide. This provides plenty of room for parents and their little ones. There are various other sizes to choose from as well.

The necessary bedding is currently being sold alongside of these beds, so there are not going to be any worries in this department. The beds are costly, too. Be prepared to spend at least $2,000 (if not more) to take one of these bad boys home. Be sure to check your budget beforehand. Even those who do not have kids can enjoy these beds. Gone are the days of jostling with your partner for space.

What do you think of these beds? Would they make a great addition to your home or are they simply too much bed for you? Are the type of person that would be willing to share a bed with your children? This is the sort of story that raises more questions than it answers. You will want to find out more about where your friends and loved ones stand on this.

Please take a moment to pass this one along. It is going to inspire some good natured debate, for sure. Meanwhile, all of the parents who have gotten used to sharing their beds with their children will want to put in an order for this giant bed immediately. All of their prayers are finally being answered. We are a bit skeptical when it comes to sharing our sleeping space but to be quite honest, we are rather intrigued!

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