‘Game of Thrones’ fans are convinced Jon Snow is going to die in the next episode

There have been some complaints lately about the recent episodes of Game of Thrones but it seems like Sunday’s episode took it back to its former level.

Although it is always nice to see epic battles that keep us on the edge of our seat, it is the development of characters, the plot and some unexpected twists that make Game of Thrones as popular as what it is.

Episode four brings all of those items together in great measure and it seems as if the final episodes of this HBO fantasy series will only bring more.

After eight seasons, the show is coming to a close so there is a lot of speculation as to who will still be standing after the upcoming conflict over the Iron Throne. One of the alliances that seem to be in jeopardy is the one between Jon and Daenerys. After all, we recently learned that the claim Jon has to the throne precedes that of Daenerys and the relationship is on rocky ground.

Because of the new twist, many fans of the series are convinced that Jon will (once again) die. Kit Harrington, who plays the part of Jon actually hinted at this possibility when he said that the series finale felt quite ‘Shakespearean’ to him.

Kit stated: “One of my favourite episodes is four because the characters have seemingly got what they needed. The world is safe now. They’re celebrating and saying goodbye to lost friends. But as an audience you’re going, ‘This is only episode 4, something’s going to happen.’ And that’s the cool thing because I think the characters are aware of this as well. There’s something twisted and uncomfortable about it. It’s so Shakespearian.”

Here is the trailer for episode five:

<!– /wp:html –> <!– wp:paragraph –> <p>Twitter has been buzzing with the possibilities:</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –> <!– wp:html –>

It also seems that the fact Jon sent his direwolf Ghost to Tormund may foreshadow his own disappearance. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, but it is interesting to speculate.

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