Garlic Milk Is A Simple Home Remedy That’ll Give You Relief From Sciatica And Back Pain

One of the more frustrating problems we may have to experience in life is a difficulty with back pain. It is something that just seems to stick around and it can affect your quality of life in so many different ways. If you experience back pain, you have already probably tried about every natural treatment you could think of. When you consider the fact that back pain affects about 10% of all people in the United States, trying a natural treatment is certainly not out of the question.

Beyond natural treatments, Americans will spend tens of thousands of dollars on spine treatments that claim to be able to eliminate or reduce the pain. Unfortunately, many of those medical treatments don’t work. There is even a specific type of issue that is known as failed spine surgery!

When you see a doctor for back pain, they are likely to tell you to do certain exercises and they may prescribe some painkillers. Those are just temporary solutions to a more serious problem.

A professor of spine biomechanics, Dr. Stuart Magill, says: “So many treatments show up as ineffective is that they are used in an indiscriminate one-size fits-all way, rarely targeted on the underlying problem.”

We probably could talk about many different spine treatments, including injections, fusion surgery, TENS machines, acupuncture, ultrasound and chiropractic care. This is really only scratching the surface. The problem is, there’s not any strong evidence that supports the effectiveness of those treatments.

If you suffer from sciatica, the lack of a treatment is even more of a problem. Sciatica typically affects one side of the body and the symptoms can be debilitating. According to the Mayo Clinic, this issue typically occurs when “a herniated disk, bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compresses part of the nerve.”

Sciatica can cause severe pain, numbness and inflammation in the area of the herniated disc and down the legs.

If you suffer from a mild case of sciatica, it may be possible that it will go away. When you deal with chronic sciatica, surgery may sometimes be suggested. If you aren’t yet ready to go under the knife, however, natural remedies may give you the relief to help you get over the hump.

One natural solution that has helped many people is garlic milk. I know that it sounds kind of disgusting, but if you have been taking medication and doing exercises with no relief in sight, it may be just what you need.

When you consider all of the benefits of garlic, it really brings things into focus. It is strengthening to the immune system, our cardiovascular system, cures infections and can even prevent cancer. It also has the benefit of reducing inflammation, which is vital for those who suffer from sciatica.

When you combine the benefits of garlic with the nutrients in milk, such as vitamin B12, protein and calcium, you have a one-two punch that can knock out the pain you are experiencing.

Garlic milk is becoming a very popular treatment for those who have back pain, including sciatica. With extreme anti-inflammatory properties, it can help you to be more comfortable. Best yet, it is easy to make and there are no negative side effects from this all natural remedy.

This is the recipe:


– 4 cloves of garlic, crushed

– 250 ml of milk

– Honey, to taste


1. Place the crushed garlic cloves in the milk in a saucepan and slowly bring to a boil. Make sure the heat stays on low.

2. Stir the pot often to prevent the milk from burning to the bottom

3. Once the mixture has come to a boil, take it off the heat and let it cool

4. Add honey to sweeten the drink, then pour it in a cup and enjoy.

Don’t drink more than one serving per day because it does thin the blood. Use other natural remedies as needed along with stretching and you will soon see a big improvement.

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