Amy Schumer Reveals Her New Baby Boy’s Name In Adorable Instagram Post

Most of us know Amy Schumer as an actress and comedian but as of May 5, she is also known as ‘Mom’. She and her husband, Chris Fisher welcomed their first child into the world on that evening.

Amy shared the sweetest Instagram post with her fans the following morning. She wrote, “10:55 pm last night. Our royal baby was born.” The nod to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s new arrival shows the excitement and magic the new parents are feeling about their little one, also a boy.

“Met Monday” was a day for baby news and Amy also remembered the special event. Before she shared the announcement of the new arrival, she posted 2 pictures of her posing in front of the 2019 Met Gala set up.

She was on her way to the hospital when she stopped for the impromptu photo session. Within a few hours, her baby boy would be born. They are also now sharing the name of their new baby.

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10:55 pm last night. Our royal baby was born.

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Amy had gone through a difficult pregnancy but it ended well with a new baby boy being born on Sunday night. She made the announcement on Instagram early Monday morning.

<!– /wp:html –> <!– wp:paragraph –> <p>Prior to talking about the birth, she talked about the Met Gala. She even stopped for pictures on her way to the hospital Sunday.</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –> <!– wp:html –>
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Amy and Chris were married in February last year. They met through Amy’s assistant, who also happens to be Chris’ sister.

Fans got a peek behind the scenes in October when she posted a picture of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with the face of her and Chris Photoshopped on top.

The news was later confirmed to her fans on the same day. Amy’s voting recommendations were posted and the big news of the pregnancy was the final list item.

The news is very exciting but Amy went through a difficult pregnancy. She was hospitalized for hyperemesis gravidarum before the end of last year.

Some tour dates were canceled and she had a hard time with it. Fortunately, she managed to keep her sense of humor.

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And so this is Christmas ????

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They continued to have complications through the holiday season. She shared a video on Instagram celebrating Christmas by throwing up along the side of the road.

She continued to struggle with vomiting until her third trimester and even canceled additional tour dates.

She promoted her new Netflix special with an appearance on Late Night With Seth Meyers in March. She even wore a fake baby bump over the real one, which many people assumed was her way of saying she was having multiples.

The pregnancy update was posted a few days ago and she joked about how long her pregnancy seemed to last.

The last pregnancy update came when they spoke against Wendy’s. She added, almost at random, “Also we are having a boy.”

Now that he has arrived we get to know his name. It was also announced in an Instagram post and it shows little Gene Attell Fischer in his dad’s arms.

They may have given him the middle name to honor their friend and fellow comedian, Dave Attell. Both Dave and Amy grew up together going to the same Long Island synagogue.

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