If you have a cat in your life, you know that they enjoy certain things and there is no getting around it. They enjoy knocking things over, scratching on the furniture and playing with toilet paper. Since one of those is the least offensive, an owner of one cat, Pusic, decided to give his feline a special treat. He bought 100 new rolls of toilet paper and loaded up the living room. Things are going to get fun very fast.

Pusic was found in a box by a young Belarusian couple in 2014. The cat immediately took over their heart and they began caring for it.

It wasn’t long before the cat became a member of the family and they named him Pusic. He is smart, curious and loads of fun. He also doesn’t hesitate to show love to his family and lick their faces or hug them when they are around.

The couple decided that they would post a video of the hugs and kisses and Pusic became a viral sensation. All in all, more than 100 million views have been racked up for his videos on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

Pusic lives in an apartment but he also enjoys getting out for a walk every once in a while when the weather is good. They are always up for spoiling their feline friend. “We’re constantly making new toys for him and he is always interested in them,” the couple said. “He also has a younger human ‘brother’ who was born in December 2016. They play together and it is a lot of fun for both of them.”

“We found out about Pusiс’s passion for toilet paper when he was little,” his owners said. “He liked playing with it but we didn’t really encourage him as we try to keep our home in order and he already had many toys. However, we recently decided to let him remember his youth and gave him all the toilet paper he could wish for. Not small pieces, rather cover our entire room in it and try to catch his reaction.”

“Since we have a small child at our home, we had to be fast. We started ‘decorating’ the room while the child was sleeping during the day and managed to get everything done in a couple of hours before he woke up.”
You can watch the video for yourself right here:
“In total, Pusic spent about 30 minutes in the room,” they said. “At first, he didn’t know what to think of it and you could see it on video. He then started looking for something under the paper as all cats like to do, slowly walking around.”
That is when the fun started.

After the cat stopped playing and the child woke up, it was time to head out for some fresh air. “Afterwards, Pusic had been sleeping like a rock until the evening, he had spent a lot of energy on all of this.”

“It’s important to find time for your pets and let them enjoy life,” the couple added. “To them, your attention and efforts are priceless.”