Dog Mourns The Passing Of Her Best Friend The Beaver

Videos like these serve as a very sad reminder of the grief that animals experience. When they are forced to lay their friends and loved ones to rest, they go through all of the same emotions as their human counterparts. Bella the dog was close friends with a beaver who liked to pay visits to her home. This video provides a closer look at Bella’s reaction to the beaver’s passing.

Beavis is the name that the family gave to the beaver. It is clear to see that these two have been close friends for quite some time. They would sleep together, eat together and even liked to play ball together. Beavis’ passing was sad for every member of the family. No one knew what had happened to the beaver. The reason for his passing remains a mystery.

This amazing animal bonded with Bella, despite having no proper training. The two became fast friends despite all of their differences. The animal kingdom has much to teach us in this regard. Animals from totally disparate backgrounds are able to become the best of friends. Beavis would come to Bella’s yard in the mornings, curling up next to her as she slept.

Once Bella was awake, she would grab her trusty tennis ball. This was Beavis’ cue to play. While the beaver was not able to keep up with Bella on a consistent basis, he would try his best. This is all anyone can ask for, right? The family never had to feed Beavis. The beaver never asked them for any food. If he was hungry, his friend Bella was more than happy to share with him.

Bella’s human says that she cried for hours after realizing that Beavis was no longer with us. It took her some time to get over the loss but she felt much better the next day. She made her way through the grieving process and is now at the acceptance stage. We wish her and the family all of the best as they make peace with the sudden loss of their friend.

We are sure that Beavis is running around and having a grand old time in Beaver Heaven. If you would like to learn more about the connection that is shared between these two animals, be sure to check out the video below. This is certainly one of the more strangely delightful relationships that we have ever been privy to.

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