Animal lovers can never resist an animal in need. And Jenny Desmond was no exception as she drove through a remote Liberian village, when she came upon a sick and dying puppy along the side of the road.
Jenny knew she had to act quickly, or else the puppy likely wasn’t going to live through the next day or two.
She sprung into action, negotiating a rescue for the puppy who was brought back to the chimpanzee sanctuary that Jenny runs with her husband. The two rescue chimps that are part of the exotic pet trade, as well as work to protect the remaining wild chimps of Liberia in their natural habitat.
Regardless of her work rescuing chimpanzees, Jenny will happily rescue all sorts of animals. As expressed by the staff at her sanctuary, she’s the type to rescue anything from chickens to grasshoppers.
The puppy that she saved was no exception. And fortunately for the puppy, Jenny’s husband Jim is a vet and was able to treat the puppy, who received the name Snafu.
Snafu had to wear a small cone in order to not pick at her wounds.
And she quickly gained a steady following of friends, as the rescued chimps took her in and gave her loads of cuddles.
Following several months of care, Snafu finally grew strong and healthy enough for Jenny to arrange a transfer for her to the United States, where she was adopted into a forever home.
It truly was Snafu’s happily ever, and we couldn’t be happier for the cute little pup.
If you’re curious about Jenny’s work as an animal rescuer in Liberia and would like to learn more or give support, you can visit:Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue.