Heinz Finally Debuts ‘Mayochup’ In The U.S. After Social Media Frenzy

When most of us think about Heinz, we think about catchup but it seems as if they are doing more as far as condiments are concerned. Somebody from the Middle East posted a picture on Twitter of ‘Mayochup’ and everyone in the United States went crazy. They wanted to know when they could begin enjoying the awesome blend of their favorite condiments. At the time it was only available in the Middle East and people were obviously upset.

Thankfully, Heinz heard the outcry and took a poll in the United States to see if Mayochup should be on the menu. 500,000 people responded with a “YES” and the hybrid concoction is now coming to a grocery store near you.

Mayochup is just like it sounds, a combination of ketchup and mayonnaise. Considering the fact that they are the two most popular condiments in the world, it should be an awesome treat. The popularity sometimes causes people to have a difficulty choosing between the two and they may put both on everything from hamburgers to French fries. Now that Mayochup is becoming a reality, it is no longer necessary to choose.

It won’t be long before Mayochup will be available for sale on Amazon. That’s right, you can order it online and have it delivered right to your doorstep. Walmart will also be carrying the product.

Heintz is taking a poll on Twitter before it goes mainstream. One lucky individual in the United States will get a preview of the condiment. Fans are voting to have a food truck takeover, courtesy of Heinz in the city with the most votes.

You can learn more about this awesome condiment in this video:

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