While most of us are probably already well aware of the fact that dogs are man’s very best friend, stories like these serve as a valuable reminder of the help that they have to offer. The little girl in this story learned this lesson firsthand. She was out for a stroll with her dog when the unthinkable occurred. A kidnapper was loose on the streets.
What she did not know was that her beloved pup had her back the whole time. A stranger approached the Virginia family with ill intent. The man thought that he would be able to grab the child by the arm and take her away. He did not realize that he was about to get more than he bargained for. Her dog was keeping watch and was very displeased by this turn of events.
The animal instinctively knew that his friend was in trouble. It did not take long before the would be kidnapper felt the dog’s wrath. The teeth sank into his flesh almost instantly. Stories like these make us shudder. It is difficult to think about all of the children who are kidnapped on an everyday basis. Luckily, this little girl had a protector by her side.

Her name is not being released to the general public, due to her age. We are not surprised that the dog reacted in this way. These are animals who are never going to hesitate to protect their loved ones. When a child is a part of the dog’s pack, you had better watch out. They are not going to take kindly to any kind of chicanery and they will attack if needed.
We are sure that this child’s parents are beyond grateful for what has taken place here. No parent ever wants to feel the sort of pain and sadness that is associated with kidnapping. Can you believe that this kidnapper even tried to chase after the child once he was bitten? We cannot believe the level of audacity on display here.
*INCIDENT: Attempted Abduction | Woodbridge;At approximately 3:50pm, the victim, a 10-year-old girl, was reportedly…
Posted by Prince William County Police Department on Friday, July 28, 2017
The kidnapper remains at large and the local police department is doing everything in their power to bring the man to justice. These sorts of terrifying situations take place all too often for our liking. Please share this story with your friends and loved ones, so that awareness can be raised. We hope that this dog is getting lots and lots of treats for being so brave and courageous.