If there is one thing that most of us realize about dogs, it’s the fact that they love to eat. Most of them will not have a problem eating anything you put in front of them and they never consider the consequences. In most families, the process of sitting down at a table always includes the dog sitting nearby, just hoping that something happens to fall on the floor.
That is why it is important for every dog owner to understand what is good for their dog and what is bad. If you follow the dietary restrictions that are proper for a canine, it can help to keep them healthy. There are also certain foods that should never be fed to a dog, no matter how much they beg.
More than likely, you are familiar with the need to keep chocolate and gum away from your dog at all costs. Now there is something else to add to the list and veterinarians, as well as dog owners, are sounding the warning loud and clear. If your dog happens to get this type of food, it could make them very sick and can even kill them.
The food is fairly common and you may never have guessed it, but it is corn on the cob. Dogs may love to chew on the cob but it can cause severe problems.
For the most part, the corn kernels are harmless and delicious. It is the cob on the inside, however, that poses a serious risk.
The shape of the corn cob and the fact that it is indigestible can lead to an internal obstruction, particularly in smaller dogs.
If an obstruction is not treated right away, it could kill the pet. That is something that Joanne Palmer knows all too well.
She took to social media after her dog ate a corn cob while they were out for a walk last year. She didn’t give much thought to it until about a week later when the dog started vomiting violently.
At first, Palmer and the veterinarian assumed that it was food poisoning but after the toxicology report came back, they found that the core of the cob “had traveled through her intestines like a cheese grater.” Those cuts led to sepsis and the dog ended up dying.
“She was a tiny dog, and I have thought that her size definitely contributed to her death,” Palmer wrote along with her warning, “Dog owners must be warned that if they are walking their dog on any field, even ones that aren’t corn fields, be aware.”
A senior vet, Dr. Rebecca Ashman said that it is not uncommon for this to happen. Surgery may help in some cases but it is extremely dangerous.
Since we are in the middle of corn eating season, Ashman is warning dog owners to be vigilant in keeping their animals away from corn on the cob.
“My alarm bells would be ringing if someone called up to say their animal had swallowed a corn on the cob, it’s sadly very dangerous,” she said. “But anytime an owner is concerned they should call up the vets for advice, specialists are available and always happy to talk.”
At times, hydrogen peroxide may be used to induce vomiting but this is not always recommended. According to Gary Richter, a veterinarian, and author of The Ultimate Pet Health Guide: “If a dog attempts to vomit up something like a corn cob, it might become lodged in their esophagus which is even more problematic than if it is in the stomach or intestines.”
If your dog eats a corn cob, call your vet right away and if they aren’t available, contact a 24-hour animal hospital.
What to watch out for.
Unless you catch your dog in the act, you may not realize that they ate corn on the cob. You can watch for these signs, however, if you suspect it is an issue.
Dry Heaving
Lack of appetite
Pain in the abdomen
Not every dog is going to experience diarrhea, as they may be dealing with a serious obstruction.
Some people still claim that corn is not beneficial for dogs but one thing is known, the corncob is something you want to keep away from them completely.