Woman drives 1,400 miles to take lost dog home only to find out they don’t want her anymore

These are the types of stories that make us realize that there are still great people out there in the world. We have also realized that there are too many people out there who want a dog but are not prepared for the responsibility. Sadly, this means that there are a wide range of pets out there who do not have anyone to properly care for them.

When Blue was separated from her Florida family, no one could have ever expected her to be found in the state of Michigan. From there, she was taken to the good folks at Humane Society of Midland County. The workers scanned the dog and found a microchip. They even graciously offered to drive Blue back home. This was no small favor, as the trip covered 1,400 miles.

Can you believe that the owner of the dog decided that they did not even want the animal back? We cannot fathom being so cruel, especially after someone drove over 1,000 miles to help out. These are the sort of people who should not be obtaining dogs in the first place. The worker had even wasted their vacation time making the long trip.

We are sad to announce (although you May have already heard) that Blue did not make it home. Through no fault of anyone…

Posted by Humane Society of Midland County on Monday, March 11, 2019

We are flabbergasted at just how rude this person decided to be. Even if they did not want the dog, they could have at least acknowledged the effort that was put in to make sure that they made it home safely. Blue was very happy to see the owner but the feeling was not mutual. The owner told the volunteer that they were not going to be able to put in the time needed to care for her anymore.

Blue has arrived safely back at the shelter! ❤️❤️

Posted by Humane Society of Midland County on Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The volunteer was upset by what had taken place but they knew that this was not a good place for the dog to be spending her time. Blue was put back into the car and given the chance to find a new forever home. Hopefully, she would be able to find someone who truly appreciated her presence. It sure beats being treated like a nuisance by the person who is supposed to care.

We have received several applications from families interested in adopting Blue. As per our policy we are honoring the…

Posted by Humane Society of Midland County on Tuesday, March 12, 2019

We are happy to report that Blue’s story has reached the rest of the world. Once everyone else heard about the dog’s plight, the applications came rolling in. She is now residing in a forever home and we are glad to see that her story has had a happy ending. Her past owner should be ashamed of their behavior but it was just a minor setback for a major comeback!

BLUE HAS BEEN ADOPTED! Photos to come later on!

Posted by Humane Society of Midland County on Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blue and her new Dad!!!! #hsomc #foreverbeginshere

Posted by Humane Society of Midland County on Tuesday, March 12, 2019

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