Sophia Vegas is a 31-year-old reality TV star and DJ from Germany who is often credited with having the smallest waist in the world. She measures in at just 18.5 inches and has built her entire career around it.
Vegas, who’s real name is Sophia Wollersheim, has compiled a large social media following due to her exaggerated proportions. Last year, her followers watched as she put those proportions at risk in order to have a baby.

Last year when she opened up about her life-changing maternity moment, Vegas had made the announcement that she had stopped wearing corsets for waist training due to her expecting.
However, after the arrival of her little bundle of joy, she has gone back to waist training, and is already looking just as tiny as she did before.
The photographic evidence is there below with her at seven and a half months pregnant. Followed by the picture of her underneath, less than two months after giving birth.
“I gained a total of 2st [during pregnancy] and have already lost 1.5st. I think that’s a good performance…but somehow I feel the last few pounds are very persistent,” the reality star informed her fans.
Most of the weight loss Vegas has achieved was through diet and exercise, but the last bit may require a fair amount of surgical assistance.
Back in 2017, she had four of her ribs surgically removed in order to further enhance her waist training. She is also rumored to have had other cosmetic jobs done on her nose, chest, and derriere.
While Vegas has received criticism for electing surgery, she maintains that she’s happy with her choices.
She wrote on her Instagram back in 2017, “It’s my life and I will say what I want and do what I want, whether you like it or not. I love my new body and have so many beautiful things coming my way before the sun sets on my life.”

For her trolls she also added, “I wish you all that you can find your happiness as I do and stop you from caring about your shortcomings – be it the chest, the belly, or your lack of confidence.”
While Vegas’s changes to her body may be extreme – she’s still got a ways to go before catching up with the likes of the Human Ken Doll – who has also had multiple ribs removed in order to achieve his aesthetic.
Now that Vegas has given birth, the reality star shows no signs of relenting to get back to the waist she had before. Good luck!