Deaf Dog Is Caught Off Guard When She Spotted Her Soldier Dad Walking Toward Her

Noelle is like many dogs, in the sense that she is the best of friends with her daddy. Unfortunately, Noelle was forced to say goodbye to her father because he was sent off on a training mission for the Army. Of course, neither of them were doing too well with being apart. The separation was almost too much for the both of them to bear.

The owner’s friend decided to pitch in and help while his pal was away. He stopped by to spend time with Noelle and help her through the anxiety. This friend spends their weekends volunteering at pet rescue events. It was decided that Noelle would come with him to one of these events, so that she would have the chance to be surprised by her father.

Noelle did not have the chance to hear her father coming. As a deaf dog, this was something that she was used to. Once she caught a glimpse of her dad, she took off running towards him. Her tail was wagging to and fro. This is the moment that Noelle had been waiting for oh so patiently. She can barely even wait to be let out of her crate.

We are more than sure that her father shared her level of enthusiasm about this reunion. These two have a very strong bond that cannot be broken, no matter how much time they spend away from one another. Watching her leap onto her father and give him lots of kisses really warms the heart, doesn’t it? This is the type of clip that is sure to make your day (or maybe even your week).

The reaction that she has is a priceless one. It is obvious to anyone that these two love each other very much. If you are anything like us, you will want to watch this sweet reunion over and over again. These are the videos that we live for. Anyone who has ever been away from their pet for an extended period of time can definitely relate to this one.

Once you have seen this clip for yourself, it is time to pass it along to all of your friends and loved ones. The animal lovers in your life are sure to appreciate this tearjerker of a clip. We advise you to make sure that your Kleenex are handy. In the meantime, we wish Noelle and her dad all of the best. Hopefully, they do not have to spend any more time apart!

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