Mom Posted A Flier Asking To Borrow A Cat For A Lasagna Dinner With Her Kids

Clara Edwards, says her 4 and 2-year-old daughters love Garfield. They began watching the lasagna-loving cat when they were about 8 months old.

So recently when Clara served lasagna for dinner (one of Garfield’s favorite meals) her daughters were upset because Garfield wasn’t there enjoying it with them.

“She just started crying because she thought Garfield would be there to eat lasagna with her,” Edwards told AZ Central. “So we were like, ‘Oh, no! What do we do?’ I’m not sure how she decided that Garfield was going to be at our house to eat lasagna.”

Edwards got together a perfect plan.  Even though Garfield is a fictional character and they didn’t even have a cat she knew she had to do this for her daughters.  Her answer?  She decided to enlist help with fliers. And when Twitter user @lauren_jade44 saw the flier, she thought it was hilarious:

“Wanted: to BORROW an orange cat for 24-48 hours, to have a lasagna dinner with Garfield-loving 4-year-old and 2-year-old children,” the flier read. “Will return cat happy and cared for. Cat will not be required to eat lasagna if contraindicated.”

“Please take your cat back at the end. Not looking to adopt,” Edwards wrote. She signed it: “An increasingly desperate (but not crazy) mom-of-two with no friends that own orange cats.”

The tweet gained traction, getting more than 10,000 retweets, with many posts of pictures of Garfield-like cats.

Thankfully, she found a cat whose owners were willing to play along. They all had dinner this past Saturday night.

The cutest dinner scene ever!

Who doesn’t adore Garfield, the lazy tabby who absolutely loves lasagna and totally detests Mondays?

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