It doesn’t matter who we are, we are going to make mistakes. Some of them will be large and others will be small. The real trick is to not let those mistakes get you down but to come out swinging and make the most out of them. That is what this teenager was able to do.
Kaleena Pysher is a 19-year-old mother to be. She was in a relationship in her senior year in high school that didn’t go well and it ended with her getting pregnant. The teenager decided that she would keep the baby and put the child up for adoption once it was born.
Kaleena realized that she was making the right decision. It gave the baby the opportunity to lead a happy and healthy life with a stable family. She recognized that she would not be able to give the baby everything that was needed. At the same time, she knew that there would be a lot of emotion involved in the separation but she wanted what was best for the child.
When the baby arrived, Kaleena held onto it for a short amount of time and then handed the child over to her new, adoptive family. It was a couple who had wanted a child but were unable to have one of their own. She didn’t consider her work to be done, however, she wanted to help her daughter in the best way she could.
The best meal that you could feed a newborn is breastmilk and it really makes a difference when it is provided during the first few months of their life. Kaleena was producing milk so she decided to pump, collect and package it to supply for her daughter and the adoptive parents. By the time she made her second visit to see her daughter, enough breast milk had been provided to last for months.
This story is inspiring many people because of her dedication and determination to love her child despite the decisions, heartbreak, and all odds. You can watch the full story of what this teenager did in this video: