Liza the dog had a rough start in life. She was born in an animal shelter because her mother had been abandoned during pregnancy. Liza and her siblings were not well at first but the shelter workers worked hard to nurse them back to health. Once Liza was healthy, she was given the chance to reside with a woman by the name of Debi (who also has her own pitbull).

Mona was more than happy to meet Liza and the two hit it off right away, becoming the best of friends in the process. They spent two years going everywhere together. The dogs were inseparable, until Mona tragically passed away. Liza was beyond heartbroken by the loss. She did not know what to do with herself anymore. She was totally shaken.

Debi knew that Liza was lonesome without her pal. When she moved in with her boyfriend, she thought that the presence of his dogs might help to cheer her up some. The Jack Russell terriers were glad to share their home with Liza but they did not want to hang out with her. They already had their own thing going. She was simply too energetic for them to handle.

Debi gave some thought to adopting another dog to play with Liza but it would be tough for her and her boyfriend to take on the responsibility of a fourth pet.

Even though her boyfriend was hesitant, she decided to start looking into the process anyway. Finally, she came across a dog that seemed perfect for Liza. His name is Murphy.

Murphy had been living at the shelter for a very long time and he needed a home. He had been taken home a few times already but none of the situations ever lasted for very long.

Murphy would have been forgiven if he had started to lose hope entirely. He did not seem to be the most active playmate at first, though. When they left the decision up to Liza, she decided on Murphy.

We guess that she must have believed that she could bring him out of his shell. Once Murphy arrived at the house, the two became great friends instantly. There was something about being in her presence that allowed him to transform into the dog that everyone knew he could be. All’s well that ends well, right? Please be sure to pass this along to your closest friends and loved ones.

H/T: Dodo