Ali Safa had a nice day planned for himself. He was going to laze around the house and play video games. Who doesn’t love a relaxing day at home without any sort of obligation or responsibility? When he went outside to spend some time in the garden, he ended up falling asleep in the warm sun. Once he woke up, he realized that he had a new friend by his side.

While his new pal had showed up without calling first, Ali was more than happy to welcome them into his world. A kitten had decided to crawl up onto his stomach and make their presence known. We are not sure what we would do in this type of scenario. Initially, Ali did not even realize that it was a kitten. The little ball of fur resembled a rat.
After he took a closer look, he knew that he would have to help the poor little creature. The kitten may have been dirty but she was purring contentedly. Ali felt his heart soften as he watched the little girl sleep. Since he is a loner who has never had any pets of his own, he felt that it was time to make a change in his life. He believed that the cat had chosen him.

The other strays in his neighborhood had never actually gotten that close to him. Ali took an adorable selfie with the kitten and we are absolutely swooning. He did not even care if the cat had fleas or not. In his mind, if she had fleas, then they both had fleas. He was already becoming a selfless pet father and he had not even officially adopted her yet.
Once the kitten finally woke up from her own sleep, she had a list of demands. She was quite hungry and Ali knew that he would need to feed his new baby. The chicken wings that his mother had prepared for him may not have been the healthiest choice but they will do in a pinch! He gave her a bath and soon came to another realization: the grey in her fur was not dirt.

These were her own markings. He named her Angel and a follow up exam revealed that the cat was in perfect health. The two are now living together permanently and they are the best of friends. We are glad that Angel has found her forever home. This is one dynamic duo.