Cat Rescued From California Wildfire Makes A New Best Friends With The Man Who Saved Him

Camp Fire was the deadliest wildfire in the history of the state of California. As the region digs itself out from under all of the smoldering ruins, rescuers are looking for signs of life anywhere that they can find them. They recently discovered a special cat who was hidden among the debris and as you can imagine, this fellow was more than happy to see them as well.

A Foster City Fire Department crew was patrolling the area when they came across the feline. They heard the telltale sound of a creature caught within the brush. The species of the animal did not matter to them. They simply wanted to help the cat out before it was too late. The animal’s whiskers were torched and it was clear to see that the cat had been through a lot.

The animal was skittish initially. Once he realized that the rescuers were there to help, his demeanor would eventually shift. Geoff the firefighter coaxed him out of his hiding area and the two shared a moment of joy. They became fast friends at this time. The firefighters decided that the cat should be named Foster. From there, they provided the animal with food and water.

Foster left with the firefighters that day but he was not about to leave his new perch: Geoff’s shoulder. While Foster certainly enjoyed getting a lift out of the ruins, the firefighters say that the rescue itself was its own reward. These types of scenarios serve as a major boost to firefighters who have been forced to face nothing but death and destruction.

The cat already has a family to call his own and the North Valley Animal Disaster Group will be providing Foster with the care he needs in the meantime. He is expected to be reunited with his loved ones soon. The fire department says that they have received some encouraging leads in this regard. We hope that Foster gets to go back home as quickly as possible.

After all, he has been through quite the ordeal, hasn’t he? What a tough cat. As the California firefighters try their best to uncover all of the missing persons and animals, stories like this one serve as a massive boost to morale. Even our bravest and strongest citizens are still in need of something to smile about every once in a while!

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