Injured animals do not always receive a second chance at life. In fact, a shocking number of animals are left to fend for themselves in these situations. Unfortunately, there are too many shelters that do not believe in offering injured animals a decent place to stay. That’s why we need to take the time to learn more about these locations before dropping animals off.
We may be resigning them to a death sentence if we are not careful. Kill shelters are not always known for making good decisions. Instead of forcing an animal to head to a location that could be trigger happy, humans must take more initiative. Robin is just one of the many dogs who finds themselves struggling after sustaining injuries. His story had a very sad beginning.
He was about to put to sleep and there was no help in sight. Can you believe that he was rescued in the nick of time, though? The good folks with the Vet Ranch were able to take him from the shelter and give him another chance. The dog was going to be put to sleep for the wrong reasons. The shelter claimed that the dog needed to be euthanized because his leg was broken.
In reality, the dog simply had a bruise that needed to heal. If not for these rescuers, no one would have known the truth until it was already too late. After awhile, his rescuers came to an amazing realization. The dog was one of the best huggers that you could ever hope to meet. These hugs definitely come from a very genuine place. This is one animal who has a very big heart.
Robin is happiest when he is given the chance to hug it out. We wish that we could be there to give him a big hug ourselves. The joy that he experiences when he is with the humans he cares about is priceless. He was given the second chance that he needed and now he is loving life again. The Vet Ranch was more than happy to assist him, as well.
How could you not love this dog with your whole heart? Robin has since been taken in by a loving family and he will be residing in his new forever home for the foreseeable future. What do you think of this animal’s story? Would you like to learn more? If so, please be sure to check out the video below.