Family Was Kicked Out Of Movie Theater Because Her Son With Special Needs Was Laughing

Parents of special needs children know that public outings can be particularly stressful. A mom from the Chicago suburbs, Jennifer Daly, knows the struggles first hand.

Jennifer’s three-and-a-half-year-old son, Jonathan, was born with cervical spine issues as well as a rare form of dwarfism. He’s unable to go out without the assistance of his wheelchair and medical equipment. He still is unable to speak, so all his excitement and enthusiasm during outings is expressed through sounds and noises. Sadly, this means he often attracts stares and comments from strangers.

Friday night Jennifer decided to go out with Jonathan and her other young son in order to catch the 7:30 pm showing of the film “Dumbo” at the local movie theatre.

Little Jonathan was loving the movie and started to giggle and laugh, making noises, about halfway through the movie. Jennifer found his squeals and joyous yelps adorable, but unfortunately she seemed to be the only one.

10 minutes later, one of the staff appeared, telling her that there were noise complaints made about the “ongoing disruption” and Jonathan was the main source of the complaints. She was left in shock after being kicked out and went home to post her frustrations on Facebook. Not long after, her post went viral, and so far has garnered nearly 5,000 likes.

Source: WGNTV

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