Can you believe the kindness of these inmates? They have decided to come together to assist a group of shelter dogs who are struggling. Independence Day can be tough for dogs. While dogs who have their own forever homes have been known to become terrified of the fireworks, shelter dogs have it even worse. They do not even have any humans nearby to help them through it.
“This year inmates on our Chain Gang and other work crews will be comforting our dogs at the Animal Care Center by reading to them, playing with them, and even feeding them treats during the peak hours of celebration on Independence Day. “
Wayne Ivey is a sheriff in Brevard County. He wanted to make sure that these dogs were given the chance to ease their troubled minds this year. A number of citizens had contacted him to share their concerns. He came up with an incredible idea. The local inmates would be given the chance to help out. Brevard County Jail’s population could use something to make their day a little bit brighter.
The fear and anxiety that the shelter dogs typically feel would be forgotten, if they were given a chance to spend a moment with humans who cared. By spending the holiday with the inmates, the dogs would experience the relief that they sorely needed. Ivey said that the sheriff’s office appreciated all of the offers for assistance that they initially received.
He is happy with this decision, though. This new program will benefit the shelter dogs and the inmates. Ivey believed that the inmates would enjoy having a greater sense of purpose. The work crews jumped at the chance to spend time with the dogs. Who wouldn’t want to help these animals out? The animals were given the comfort they needed from people who truly appreciated their presence.
Posted by Brevard County Sheriff's Office, Florida (Official) on Saturday, June 29, 2019
We love this idea and we are glad that Ivey had the courage to come up with it. The inmates are being given the tools that they need to thrive upon release. The dogs are receiving the affection that they need. Everyone wins! The animals are also going to have the chance to enjoy special treats. Animal-friendly sorbet is served to the dogs.

In a perfect world, every city would have a program like this one. We wish that all dogs could avoid the terrors of fireworks. This tradition is not going anywhere anytime soon but that does not mean that we should allow our pets to fend for themselves. The same goes for the animals that reside in our nation’s shelters. Please take a moment to pass this story along and spread the necessary awareness about this matter.