This dog was abandoned in the city of Detroit and as you can imagine, the prognosis was grim. However, this dog’s story had a happy ending, thanks to the assistance of these Good Samaritans. These four young boys found the dog and they were not willing to let the animal succumb to the mean streets. Andrew and Kevin are only seven years old and their friends Kenneth and Kenny are 11 and 13, respectively.
These boys knew that they needed to intervene as quickly as possible, though. They were not about to let anything happen to this poor dog. When they found the abandoned pup, the animal had been left behind a house and tied up with bungee cords. It was clear to see that the animal had not been fed in some time, either. One of the boys even sacrificed his coat to help keep her warm.
The dog was brought home and given plenty of water and bologna. This was a five star meal, as far as the starving animal was concerned. They did everything in their power to help her and even gave her an awesome new name in the process. She will now be known as Sparkle! Sparkle definitely took to the boys right away and understandably so.
No one had ever been this kind to her before. Fortunately, Detroit Pit Crew Rescue’s crew just so happened to be in the area at the time. The boys had done all they could and now it was time for the professionals to step in. Theresa Sumpter is the founder of this rescue organization. She was so impressed by what the boys had done, she posted a Facebook update to let everyone know.
These young rescuers changed the dog’s life. Who knows if the Detroit Pit Crew Rescue team would have even seen the dog, if not for these kids? The kids clearly cared about the dog deeply. When they were told that the animal would be taken to the vet’s office and given the chance to live a more normal existence, they were very pleased.
The kids also got the chance to give a short interview about their rescue efforts. You can tell how proud they are to have been so helpful. Who knows, maybe these kids will have their chance to join up with the Detroit Pit Crew Rescue team some day. In the meantime, be sure to check out their adorable interview and take a moment to pass this touching story along.
Young heroes.
Posted by Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue on Friday, March 25, 2016