This is a story that will serve as an inspiration to anyone who believes that their goals are impossible to obtain. Even when the obstacles that have been placed in front of us seem insurmountable, David Casarez is living proof that we do not have to accept the cards that have been dealt to us. He was able to reach his goals and all it took was a little bit of determination (and a dash of cleverness).
While the majority of new college graduates do not find their dream job right away, David was determined to change all of that for good. When he graduated from Texas A&M University, he was ready to put his management information systems degree to the best possible use. David wanted to work in Silicon Valley and he was not about to let anyone stop him from achieving this dream.
General Motors was willing to hire David right away but this was not the job that he was seeking. He decided that he would cash out his 401K in order to pursue that goal but the money ran out quickly. This put David in a very precarious position. He started living in his car and applying for various IT positions in the region. No one would give him the job that he truly desired, though.
In order to keep himself afloat, he did some freelance designing but this work was not steady enough. He would need to make a major change in his life before it was too late. Once his car was finally repossessed, he was reduced to sleeping on a park bench. At this time, he came up with the idea that would end up changing his life forever.
Instead of standing on a street corner begging for change in tattered clothing, he put on his Sunday best and handed out resumes instead. He was not going to look for a handout. All he wanted was a job. Jasmine Scofield happened to see David’s effort and shared them on social media. He went viral in no time and wouldn’t you know it? The job offers started to pour in like you wouldn’t believe.
A wide range of Silicon Valley tech companies have contacted him since the post went viral. In fact, David is having a tough time deciding between them all! We are glad to see that this story turned out the way it did and wish him all of the best in his future endeavors!