Judge Judy Debuts A New Hairdo In The Courtroom For The First Time In 22 Years

We often see the a variety of different subjects in the trending headlines and if you pay any attention to them, you may have seen one about Judge Judy pop up in the stream recently. Judge Judy is known for her no-nonsense personality in the courtroom and how she addresses the issues that come before her regularly.

It is not her way of handling things that has taken her into the trending news, it is her hairdo that recently was redone. In fact, she hasn’t had a new hairdo for more than 20 years and people were accustomed to seeing her look the same, day after day in the courtroom. Judge Judy took everyone by surprise when she walked into the courtroom with a pinned-back pony.

You can still see the blonde highlights in her hair but the hairdo itself has changed considerably. People are up in the air as far as the change goes, including her bailiff that has been around for quite some time, Petri Hawkins Byrd:

He posted the pictures on social media and it drew a lot of attention from fans. Some of them were comparing the new look to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Others were complementing the new look, saying it was ‘cute’ or ‘beautiful’.

The 76-year-old judge may have made the change but it seems as if it is here to stay. Bailiff Byrd still prefers the older hairdo but I’m sure we all have our own opinions.

H/T: TipHero

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