It doesn’t matter who we are, we are all going to develop our own parenting skills after we have children. We sometimes get advice from others as well, some good and some bad but in the end, it is really up to us to decide how we are going to raise our kids.
Of course, if you are Kelly Clarkson, a well-known celebrity, your parenting choices are going to be scrutinized by many more people than most of us parents. In fact, she shared her views on spanking children and people threw in their 2 cents.
Clarkson has more fans than most celebrities, after being famous for more than 17 years. People that follow her tend to watch every move she makes very carefully.
Sometimes, she will bring her children along with her to a performance. She has a son named Remington and a daugther, River Rose. Clarkson also spends a lot of time with them on a one-on-one basis, which has made her fans love her even more. Recently, she was interviewed by a radio station in Atlanta, Star 94.1. She admitted on the air that she doesn’t mind giving some tough love on occasion.

The interview took place in December 2017 and she was open about her parenting style. When talking about how she coped with a young son and daughter who sometimes misbehave, she admitted to spanking them when she felt it was appropriate.
“I don’t mean hitting her hard. I just mean a spanking,” Clarkson said. “But that’s a tricky thing when you’re out in public.”
People tended to take sides on the issues, with some of her fans disagreeing on the tough love she sometimes showed to her children. Experts on the subject say that children need to have love and limitations from their parents. It helps them to deal effectively with their parents and eventually, with society. We have probably all experienced an epic meltdown on occasion and it can be challenging when it happens in public.
According to expert Robert E. Larzelere, a slap or smack is considered as “non-abusive (e.g. two swats to the rear end when parents are not out-of-control due to anger),” for children who are 2-6 years old and are not responding to milder punishments.
Clarkson said that she warns her daughter before spanking her.
She also said it was uncomfortable when she was out in public and her daughter needed some tough love.
“People are like, you know, they think that’s wrong or something, but I find nothing wrong with a spanking,” she said. Often her child’s bad behavior stops with Clarkson’s warning of, “I’m going to spank you on your bottom if you don’t stop right now.”
Clarkson further explained, “My parents spanked me, and I did fine in life.” She further added, “I’m from the South, y’all. So, like, we get spankings.”
Emily Cleary, a journalist, and mother of two has similar views on spanking. She shared her thoughts on Good to Know about an incident that made her blood run cold. It happened when she swatted her daughter on the bottom.
She said: “My stomach lurched and I let out a bloodcurdling scream as my daughter hurtled towards the road. Chasing behind her I could hear traffic coming from all directions and I was petrified I wouldn’t reach her in time. … But I did make it. I snatched her back towards me.”

She further shared: “My daughter had been doing the exact same thing daily for three weeks, and she hasn’t done it since. So it worked. My smack on the bottom to save her from killing herself seems to have done the trick. Everyone’s a winner.”
It’s also important to remember that in some states, there may be legal issues, depending on the circumstances.
As children get older, other disciplinary actions can also be considered, such as doing chores, time out or taking away privileges.