Tulip may only be 10 months old but she has already gone through so much. Her short life has been chock full of challenges. She does not allow the difficulties she experiences to keep her from smiling, though. This is one sweet kitten who does not let the world get her down. She was taken in by a local rescue after being found as a stray when she was just two weeks old.

Tulip was experiencing an eye infection at the time but she did not allow her ailment to change her demeanor. She still posed for the pictures that the shelter took, so that they could post her on their website. What Tulip did not know was that this photo would be responsible for helping her to find a forever family. Chris and Jenn came across the photo shortly after it was taken.

Pinecone is their first cat and they were in the process of searching for a lovely companion. When they saw Tulip’s picture, they knew that they had to take her home right away. The smile that she gave in her photo was a big reason why. The couple put in an application as quickly as they could. Of course, they received almost immediate approval.

This kitten could not stop smiling, no matter what. Even when Chris and Jenn went to visit the animal in the shelter, she was still grinning away. According to Jenn, they fell in love with the cat in every possible way. She says that “both her looks and her personality” were responsible for drawing them in. It is easy to see why, isn’t it?

The couple assumed that the cat would stop smiling eventually. However, it turns out that this is the way she acts all of the time. It was not just an attempt to lure in families who saw her advertisement. This is Tulip’s natural personality. “Her smile is always there and it never gets old,” says her new mother. She had some medical issues that had to be addressed but she was otherwise fine.

She’s now healthy and loves nothing more than playing with her toys. As the little sister of the house, she takes pride in annoying her big brother Pinecone, too. The two love to spend every waking moment together. If you would like to learn more about the awesome adventures of Tulip, please be sure to give her a follow on Instagram. We cannot wait to see what she ends up doing next!