Melody Yazdani, became frustrated when her son was behaving strangely at school. So she took it upon herself to do some research and her results are shocking to say the least.
“CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BREATHE THROUGH THEIR MOUTHS,” she issued a warning on her Facebook. “Not while awake, not while asleep. Never.”
If you have a child who “falls asleep immediately after their head hits the pillow, snores, grinds their teeth, wakes up in the night, has night time accidents or daytime accidents, has impulse control issues, is hard to understand when speaking,has under eye circles, has crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, wakes up insanely early, is irritable during the day, or has a bad appetite,” Yazdani wants you to pay attention to what she has to say.
In first grade, her son Kian would push his classmates and “had a hard time controlling his body.”
“He gets fixated on little things (there is a hair in the shower, it’s gross! I can’t shower in there! *melt down commences*), his fuse gets shorter and shorter, and he’s a picky eater who barely eats.”
As Kian got older, he would throw temper tantrum and scream at the top of this lungs. Not to mention he was still getting into trouble with his classmates at school.
“Each doctor is recommending more and more medications – two inhalers for the cough, an antibiotic for the postnasal drip, a steroid, and it goes on and on. The therapist is dancing around ADHD, pushing us in that direction.”
But after a trip to the dentist, Melody couldn’t believe it. During a routine cleaning, Kian’s dentist made a comment about how her young boy must be grinding his teeth at night.
“And then lightening struck, right at the perfect time. I stumbled upon an article that changed our life,” Yazdani said.
“Studies have been done where they took medicated ADHD kids, fixed the sleep-disordered breathing, and within 6 months 70% of the children had seen a resolution in symptoms and were no longer medicated.”
It turns out that breathing through your mouth is not normal…and medical professionals also agree.
According to Heathline, mouth breathing can cause facial deformities and poor growth.
The mother explains that “when a child breathes through their mouth, their brain (and body) is not getting enough oxygen. At night, this lowered oxygen saturation is detrimental to the quality of sleep and their brain’s ability to get enough rest.”
She added that when the tongue cannot rest in the correct place, it can lead to jaw problems, which can cause speech impediments and misaligned teeth.
These narrow pathways can also cut off the airway and contribute to sleep apnea in children.
“To compensate, the body wakes the child and pushes the jaw forward, resulting in disrupted sleep cycles and tooth grinding,” she added.
Since her discovery: “We have seen a complete 180 in behavior. No more angry tantrums, no more fixation on little OCD things, it’s been an enormous change,” the mother reported.
Parents, prepare yourself for some all caps yelling, because this is going to change some lives. All parents. If you…
Posted by Melody Yazdani on Wednesday, October 24, 2018