Mom Gets 3 AM Call from Her Son and Is Fearful When He Says ‘Bring a Blanket’

It seems as if everybody is using a rideshare program these days. People were concerned about safety when they were first introduced a decade ago, but it seems as if everybody has gotten beyond it and now uses them for everything from getting a ride to work, to getting a safe ride home after an evening at the pub.

The overall outlook that most people have has certainly changed for the better. We often hear about the individuals who drive those peer-to-peer cars and some of the things that they do for their passengers. It isn’t unusual to hear about them going above and beyond the call of duty in many different ways.

Ashton Mazyck is one of those who drives for Lyft in his spare time when he is not working as a behavioral therapist in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was out driving on a cold January evening and was coming home after dropping someone off when he saw something that made his blood run cold.

He parked his car in the parking lot at his building and when he looked at the lobby door, he saw what appeared to be a small animal shivering in the cold. When he got closer, however, he realized that it was no small animal. It was actually a shivering and crying two-year-old girl, and this was 3 AM in the morning!

Vida Mazyck, Ashton’s mother also lives in the same building and he called her immediately to have her bring down a blanket. They took the tiny child into the building and tried to warm her up.

“Her feet were numb. I kept saying, ‘Does this hurt?’ And she couldn’t feel me rubbing her feet.”

The Worchester police were also called and the incident was reported. When they arrived on the scene, they rushed the girl to the hospital without delay.

According to a police report, the little girl was being watched by her grandmother that night while her mother was working the night shift. Somehow, the girl was able to sneak out of the house while the grandmother was asleep. The little girl was in her bare feet and covered with salt and ice as she huddled next to the main entrance of the building. Ashton shared this with the local news:

“I don’t know how long she was out there, but I’m just definitely thankful, you know, that I was there when I was.”

Vida does not typically like to have her son to work the late shift but she was happy he was out there this time.

Ashton was certainly at the right place at the right time. There is no doubt that he saved a life that day.

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