Naming a child isn’t like naming a pet. One bad naming decision could result in many school days of being teased on the playground. However, one mom is now having to stand her ground and defend her child against the internet trolls that are harassing her for her baby’s unconventional name choice. The name in question? Disney.
Jade Jeanes, 27, and her husband Joshua, also 27, are both huge fans of Disney and felt that it would be a wonderful idea to name their first child after their shared passion.
However, not everyone is as thrilled for them and their name choice. After Jade posted to a parenting group on Facebook, she was surprised and hurt by all the negative backlash with many people mocking her.
Jade, who’s from West-super-Mare, Somerset, still has no regrets despite what people have been saying about her.

“It’s just a name, there are ordinary names that people give that I don’t like, but I don’t tell them that they shouldn’t give those names. It was more of a fun post that I assumed people would be okay with. In the end, people just either hate it or love it,” she said before adding, “My husband’s siblings have young children and they like Disney films so she’ll be brought up in a big, happy Disney family. She’s a bundle of joy to be around.”
Jade and Joshua have remained undeterred by the online abuse and have decorated Disney’s room in the theme of her namesake, with silhouettes of Mickey Mouse plastered about the walls. Jade even says that Disney is “transfixed” by the films whenever she puts them on for her.
Disney used to have a “Tangled” costume that she has out grown, but they plan to buy her more and also hope to take a trip to Disneyland Paris in a few years when she’s a little older.

“We really can’t wait to take her to Disney World but since Josh and I both are afraid of flying, we thought we’d start with taking her to France first. We’ll wait until she turns two, but that can’t come around quickly enough,” Jade explained.
Jade’s passion for all things Disney is nearly matched by her love for video games, and the mom, who is a former Game assistant, has even stated that she would consider naming a son “Sonic” after the iconic hedgehog computer game.
“I did think about naming her after a video game character,” she said. “I don’t think I’ve come across any names from video games that were too ‘out there’. I’d love a son called Sonic.” What do you think of her interesting choice of names?