Mother dogs are forever looking after their babies. While some mothers aren’t afforded the luxury of taking care of their babies inside of a forever home, that does not stop parents from doing what is right. Take the mother dog in this story for instance. When her puppy was wounded and they were stranded on the streets, she still got her baby the help that they needed.
The good folks at Animal Aid Unlimited were contacted once the mother’s cries were heard. They did not want any further harm to come to this little family. From the looks of it, the puppy had been attacked. Evert time the puppy cried in pain, the mother cried, too. She felt the sympathy pains and our hearts go out to her during her time of need.
Fortunately, the rescuers were able to assist her. They were able to place the puppy in an ambulance. Sadly, mother dog could not come along for the ride. She needed to look after the rest of her litter. Animal Aid Unlimited’s rescuers were able to convince her of their trustworthiness. She knew that they had her best interests at heart and she was willing to let her puppy go.
The dog was taken to the shelter. From there, the puncture wounds were treated. The wounds had progressed to the point where the dog was not able to walk. The dog would need to spend some time off his feet. It would take a while for the wounds to fully heal. He was renamed Toggle and the rescuers kept a close eye on the nerve damage, to make sure he was healing at a proper pace.
It did not take long before Toggle was able to rest up. He is now back to being the dog that he always should have been. He’s affectionate and loves to give smooches to his rescuers. They knew that his mother probably missed him dearly, though. The team decided that it was time for the pair to reunite. This is one of the most touching reunions we have ever seen.
If this reunion touched your heart as much as it did ours, be sure to share away. This family is not done receiving help from Animal Aid Unlimited, either. The rescuers say that they will return to spay the mother dog once the puppies have had a chance to grow up a bit. In the meantime, we wish this family all of the best and hope that they are able to remain safe.