NASA is paying people a ton of money just to lay in bed for 70 days

The daily grind can start to wear on even the most hard working people and when we begin to lose sight of the importance of relaxation, this can be problematic. Who doesn’t enjoy a good old fashioned lazy day off every now and again, am I right or am I right?
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Laying in bed and watching your favorite movies and television shows all day can be a lot of fun and while getting paid to do just that might seem like a pipe dream, the good people at NASA are willing to fund these dreams for you. Do you think you can handle it for two months straight, though?

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NASA needed to pay people to stay in bed for 70 days, as they were needed for a research project where the information would be used to streamline later space travel. People received up to $18,000 for their contribution and we find ourselves feeling pretty jealous of them.



All they had to do was remain in their bed for the entirety of the day and do nothing at all, a pretty sweet gig if we do say so ourselves. However, these people were not given very much privacy, as NASA needed access to several different folks at once for their experiment.

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During the first few weeks of the experiment, they were allowed to move about, while they were confined to the bed for the latter part of the exercise. Laptops were able to be used to remain in touch with loved ones and this testing served as a valuable way to help future astronauts.

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This is definitely not going to end up on any worst job list anytime soon, that much is for sure. If you found yourself laughing at this incredible story as much as we did, take time out to share it with your friends and loved ones as soon as possible.


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