There was nothing quite like watching your mom bake cookies when you were a little kid. Not only did you get to enjoy them fresh from the oven, you sometimes got to sneak a little cookie dough when she wasn’t looking.
Many of us who grew up sneaking pieces of cookie dough find it very nostalgic to continue eating it when we are adults. In fact, cookie dough flavored ice cream and other treats may be among our favorites. If you are somebody who craves cookie dough, then Nestlé Toll House has a product that is going to put a big smile on your face.
TODAY reported that Nestlé Toll House is now offering Toll House cookie dough in large pint-sized containers. The good news is, it is safe to eat it straight from the container, so you can indulge yourself to your heart’s delight.
The ‘edible cookie dough’ does not require any cooking so just grab a spoon, turn on Netflix and get ready to enjoy.
According to CBS news, there are two flavors available including peanut butter chocolate chip monster and chocolate chip. You can find them in 15-ounce containers that will only set you back around $5.50.
Sure, it’s twice the price of a regular pack of Nestlé Toll House chocolate chip cookie dough, but you can eat this without having to worry about salmonella or all of the other nasties that may go along with eating raw food containing eggs.
You can purchase the edible cookie dough at Publix for now but it won’t be long before it will be lining the shelves at Walmart in the Southeast and eventually, other grocery stores.
Twitter user @LilDisFan grabbed a tub of the edible cookie dough before the official announcement was made. A picture of the product was tweeted with the caption: ‘Why yes, I am going to try the Toll House edible cookie dough. Nestlé tweeted back: An excellent idea.
An excellent idea ????
— Nestle Toll House (@NestleTollHouse) June 27, 2019
You will likely have your own favorite but it seems as if the ‘peanut butter chocolate chip monster’ is an early favorite.
Instagram user @familyfooddude wrote: Look, I’m just as excited as the next chubby little bastard that there’s another edible cookie dough on the market. But let’s keep it a buck: All cookie dough is edible if you aren’t a jabronie. “Is it worth salmonella poisoning?” Uh, have you ever tasted raw cookie dough? I’m here for a good time, not a long time! P.S. These are both worth a purchase but you NEED the Monster one in your life.
@familyfooddude seems to love eating raw cookie dough but the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) has been warning us that we shouldn’t do it for years. Eating uncooked cookie dough carries the risk of salmonella associated with raw eggs and E. coli from raw flour.
Don’t worry, Nestlé’s new cookie dough will not make you sick because it contains ‘heat-treated’ flour and is egg-free.
If you still need more convincing that edible cookie dough is something you can put on your grocery list, you can listen to the words of Nicole Beurkens, Ph.D., CNS, a board-certified nutrition specialist. “While most people don’t contract [E. coli or salmonella] from eating raw dough, the risk is there and for some people, these infections can be very dangerous. A cookie dough made without raw eggs and with heat-treated flour, which kills the bacteria, addresses these potential safety concerns, and is, therefore, safer to eat.”
— Nestle Toll House (@NestleTollHouse) June 27, 2019