Those who are wondering about the latest frontier of discovery are welcome to visit the the Mediterranean island of Corsica. This island is home to a wide range of animals and feline lovers everywhere will be swooning when they find out more about this new species. These cat/foxes are a new find and researchers are doing everything in their power to protect them.
At the present moment, there are only 16 of these cats present on the island. Wildlife researchers are looking to designate them as a protected species. We hope that their efforts are successful. These cats measure in at 35 inches from head to tail. While they do resemble the average house cat, a closer examination reveals highly developed canine teeth, shorter whiskers and wide ears.
They are known to the locals who reside on the island as “Ghjattu volpe”. These animals have evolved over the course of time and now have dense fur. This fur is meant to serve as a deterrent for ticks and fleas. Pierre Bendetti works with the National Hunting and Wildlife Office as their chief environmental technician. He has offered some additional information on the matter.
According to Bendetti, these cat/foxes are believed to be a wild natural species. However, it has been difficult to identify them scientifically. Their nocturnal habits and inconspicuous behavior make analysis difficult. Bendetti has also called this discovery a “wonderful” one. We are definitely inclined to agree with him. These cat/foxes are beyond adorable. We would love to take one of them home with us but unfortunately, that is not possible at the present time.
The elusive creatures have been pursued for years but investigators were unable to find them. After finally being able to begin DNA testing seven years ago, researchers identified their genetic makeup. The cats are believed to have an identity similar to that of the African forest cat. It took some time for researchers to successfully capture one.
Their efforts finally paid off three years ago. They have learned so much about these animals already but there is still much to be decided. We look forward to learning along with these researchers. In the meantime, the cats have been fitted with the necessary identification chips. This will make the studying process even easier than before. Please be sure to pass this amazing find along to the rest of the animal aficionados that you know. They are sure to appreciate it!
Source: LadBibble