George and his dog are the best of friends. While it may seem strange for a 93-year-old man to have this sort of bond with a dog, it is important that they are essentially the same age. George’s pal is 13 years old and in doggy years, this means they are peers. If not for George’s kindness, who knows what this dog could have become? The backstory just may shock you.
The poor little fella was not long for this world before he met George. Dogs who are older are typically unwanted. Even if they still have plenty of love to give, most pet owners would rather take a younger dog home with them. This leaves dogs like this one in a rather precarious position. Sam the dog was left behind because his previous owner was deployed by the Navy.
Of course, this made him a natural fit for George. He is also a veteran of the armed services. He is a Navy veteran and he has received a number of accolades for the selfless service that he has provided. George served in Vietnam, Korea, and World War II. Fortunately, George knew the man who was being forced to surrender the dog and was willing to step in.
If not for George’s help, Sam would have likely been euthanized. Now, the two best buds get to hang out on a regular basis. They have a lot in common, too. Their age and their white hair make them natural companions. Instead of preparing for his very last meal, Sam is spending his days with his new father. You can tell that they enjoy each other’s company a great deal.
The connection that they share is evident to anyone who crosses their path. The dynamic duo has even gotten the chance to be on television. These handsome boys are definitely ready for their close up! George even shared his story with the PetCo Foundation and the local news team. Can you believe that the foundation provided a $25,000 check?
The check was given to the good folks at German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County. Hopefully, more dogs like Sam will have the chance to receive the assistance that they need. Senior dogs still have plenty to offer the world. Sam is living proof. Please be sure to check out the awesome video below and pass it along to your friends and loved ones to raise awareness.