Pixar releases new short ‘Kitbull’ about the friendship between a stray kitten and a pit bull

Get ready to cry, Pixar has just released the sweetest new 2D animated short entitled “Kitbull.

The story is set in San Francisco’s Mission District, and revolves around the unlikely friendship that develops between a stray kitten and an abused pit bull.

The film short is directed by Rosana Sullivan and produced by Kathryn Hendrickson. In an accompanying video to the short, Sullivan said, ”To be fully honest, it started from a cat video … I loved watching cat videos in times of stress.”

“At first, I just wanted to draw something that made me feel good and was fun, but it evolved into something more personal to me eventually. Growing up, I was always very sensitive and very shy, and had actually a lot of trouble making connections, making friendship,” she continued. “So I related to this kitten because it never really stepped outside of its comfort zone to be vulnerable and make a connection.”

The film is part of SparkShorts, a new animation project by Pixar, which is intended to be a platform for new voices and artists.

Pixar president Jim Morris said about the project, “The SparkShorts program is designed to discover new storytellers, explore new storytelling techniques, and experiment with new production workflows.”

“These films are unlike anything we’ve ever done at Pixar, providing an opportunity to unlock the potential of individual artists and their inventive filmmaking approaches on a smaller scale than our normal fare,” he continued.

The video clip is below but be warned, you may need tissues by the end of it.  

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