Police Dog Hilariously Puzzled When He Tries On Winter Boots For The First Time

Now that the South Dakota winter has arrived, residents are trying their best to gear up for the cold weather ahead. The Rapid City Police Department has their own canine unit to worry about and they are doing everything in their power to keep these officers safe from the snow. These police dogs need to be protected from the cold and chill at all times.

The police dogs cannot do their jobs without the proper footwear, though. These pups have been given some new footwear and it is pretty fancy! However, that does not mean that these dogs have to like the new booties. The puzzlement that they have about their new boots is absolutely priceless. Take a look at Jary. He does not seem to be a very big fan.

The look on his face says it all, doesn’t it? He seems to be pleading with the other officers and asking why he has to wear these shoes that are not comfy! Once Jary was given the chance to walk around with his new booties on, this did not seem to change his opinion on the matter. Jary’s tentative walking was too funny not to share on social media.

The police department took video of the dog’s first steps in his new booties and posted it to social media. The video went viral right away, because of course it did. Who could possibly resist sharing this hilarious clip? We have shared it several times over and we are still laughing our heads off. Poor Jary, though. He’s not in on the joke.

One of the officers is grinning in his chair while Jary walks and we cannot keep ourselves from giggling. Jary is finally given a respite from the teasing when one of the officers provides him with a toy to play with. This makes his experience a bit more fun and gives him something to enjoy. If you would like to see the full video, be sure to check it out below.

The Rapid City Police Department deserves to be commended for what they have done. In a world where too many pet owners are allowing for their animals to be subjected to the subzero temperatures, it is great to see a police force that is taking the lead on this important topic. Hopefully, citizens everywhere will be ready and willing to follow their lead.

It's cold out there, which means making sure all our officers are equipped for the chilly weather; even the furry ones! Looks like K9 Jary's new snow boots are going to take some getting-used-to…

Posted by Rapid City Police Department on Friday, December 7, 2018

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