Pregnant Dog Left Behind By Family Sits Day And Night At Front Door Waiting For Them To Return

This story is ostensibly about a woman from Germany who decided to move to Costa Rica. However, this woman came across a special dog who became the true star of the show once she came to realize the full extent of the animal’s story. Tania Cappelluti is a yoga teacher who decided to help out once she noticed all of the stray animals that were wandering the streets with nowhere to go.

When she received a message about a pregnant dog that had been left behind by someone’s careless neighbor, she knew that she had to act right away. By the time the dog was found, she was ready to give birth at any moment. In Tania’s mind, it was hard to fathom this level of cruelty. How could someone possibly behave in such a manner? Our pets deserve more.

The dog was left behind with no food or water to speak of. This family clearly did not care what became of their pet and our hearts break when we see these types of occurrences. The neighbor who initially let Tania know what was taking place was looking after the dog in the meantime but it was clear to see that the animal was in desperate need of help.

The pregnant pupper was renamed Marie. While Tania was in Costa Rica when the dog was first found, another gentleman stepped forward to offer the animal a foster home. Wynn Mackey took in Marie and she gave birth to her puppies at his residence. All seven puppies were born healthy and Marie was full of smiles when it was all said and done.

Luckily, this story had a happy ending but there are a number of dogs out there that are not so lucky. These pets deserve all of the same love and care as their more fortunate counterparts. People who are in the process of moving and cannot bring their dogs need to learn how to admit that they need help. Leaving an animal behind like this is one of the cruelest things a person can do.

Thanks to Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue Costa Rica, Tania is able to assist these animals when they are in need. While she was not present for the birth of these puppies, Wynn works with this organization as well. Be sure to check out their Facebook page if you would like to learn more about their efforts.

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