When Animal Aid Unlimited got the call about this poor dog, they did not know what to do. They knew that the animal was facing a very dire situation, though. The dog’s breathing had become quite labored and this is what dogs tend to look like before death. It was clear to see that the animal would need a miracle and a great deal of help to survive this ordeal.
The rescuers rushed the pup to the hospital as quick as they possibly could. The animal’s blood pressure had dwindled to its lowest ebb. Her dehydration was also evident. They had hoped that she would make it through the night but there were a number of doubters. Lilly is a sweet dog and she did not deserve the life that she had been forced to live. Everyone was rooting for her.
She is quite the resilient animal. While most would have predicted that she would die the first night, she managed to make it through the night with flying colors. The progress that she made during her first night alone stunned many. Lilly may have seemed like a goner to most but this is the furthest thing from the truth. She is a special dog who is destined to live a long life.
If she can survive what she has been through, she can survive anything. Stories like these never fail to warm our hearts. Dogs like this one deserve the world. We just wish that Animal Aid Unlimited had been able to find Lilly sooner. They might have been able to save her from the indignity of being found on the street without a hope or a care in the world.
Those who wish to help out more animals that are lost on the streets of India are urged to provide a donation to the good people at Animal Aid Unlimited. They are here to help all of the animals that find themselves in the same position as Lilly and the services that they have to offer are invaluable.
Meanwhile, readers who would like to get to know our pal Lilly a little better are urged to check out the video below. She is one smart dog and we hope that her life improves for the better going forward. Thanks to the help of Animal Aid Unlimited, she is already off to a great start. Please share this story to spread awareness about her plight and the plight of other dogs in the region.