Every animal deserves the chance to enjoy their childhood. Some dogs do not get the chance to do so, though. Katrina is all of 10 years old and she has never been granted that opportunity. The little dog has spent the entirety of her life struggling to survive. Like many dogs, she has spent the majority of her time crammed inside of a cage at the local puppy mill.
Hub City Humane Society finally stepped in to rescue her and their efforts are most appreciated. They matched her with a foster mother right away as well. Ashleigh Reader took her in and the dog’s true personality did not take long to shine through. She was given the freedom that she needed. This is what allowed her to become the dog that everyone knew she could be.
The lucky dog was even given the chance to head to the store and pick out her very own toys. This is what happens when a senior dog that has been living inside of a mill for their entire existence is finally given the chance to live it up. We are stunned by just how sweet the animal is, even after all of the awfulness that she has been forced to experience.
When her foster mother first picked her up, she noticed that the dog was very obsessive about any toys that she got the chance to see. That is why Ashleigh knew that the dog needed to go and pick out her own. We are sad that she had to wait this long but we are also happy that she finally got a chance to play. This is one dog that deserves it.
One of the toys that Katrina decided to take home was an ear of corn. She loved the toy so much, she spent much of the ride home giving it lots of gentle and loving licks. This is one dog that is always going to appreciate the little things. When you come from not having very much, this is easy to understand. We are just happy to see that she is finally getting the chance to enjoy a delayed childhood.
“Her foster parents have committed their home and hearts to this girl for 3 months as we get her dental and spay surgeries done and treat her heartworm disease,” the humane society says on Facebook of Katarina’s stay with Reader.
This video brought to you courtesy of an amazing foster family. First time this ten year old Yorkie we named Katarina ever got to shop for her own toy!! She has spent her entire life in a tiny cage at a puppy mill. Her foster parents have committed their home and hearts to this girl for 3 months as we get her dental and spay surgeries done and treat her heartworm disease. Interested in fostering? Fill out an application on our website, hubcityhumanesociety.org or run by the shelter. Desperately looking for a foster for a little older male Maltese from the same puppy mill that also needs a foster home during Heartworm treatment. Text 601-297-5326, Brenda if you are interested in fostering him.
Posted by Hub City Humane Society on Monday, October 24, 2016
Kudos to Ashleigh for being willing to take on the task of bringing home a senior dog. Hopefully, she and Katrina are able to make up for all of the time that she has lost along the way. Please share this adorable story with your closest friends and loved ones as soon as possible.
h/t: TheDodo