Someone put the new Snapchat filters on ‘Game of Thrones’ characters

And so, needless to say, it’s been the topic of many a conversation over the last few weeks, with eagle-eyed viewers dissecting each and every scene, death and production error (ahem, the coffee cup).

This week it seems all anyone is able to discuss is Game of Thrones. Loyal viewers have spent the last few weeks dissecting and discussing every scene, including the production errors – like the famous coffee cup slip.

But to be fair, it’s only natural that Game of Thrones would be on everyone’s brain with the impending end of the show looming. So when the gender swap Snapchat filter was released, it was only a matter of time before someone took the time to apply it to the characters of the hit show.

The results were posted to the “Everything Game of Thrones” Facebook page, but the pictures are all below:

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