The dog in this story has had a rough go of it. The animal had been living in the woods for at least a year by the time they were found. When the animal happened to step on a trap that had been set for a coyote, the prognosis did not look good. Even though the dog was badly injured, they had still managed to elude the animal control team that was dispatched to catch them.
This is one dog that did not want to be caught under any circumstances. Loreta Frankonyte and Eldad Hagar work with Hope For Paws and they traveled to South Carolina to see if they could offer any help. Hermione is her new name but even local rescuers were not able to get their hands on her. Eldad and Loreta found her a day after they showed up but could not coax her into coming with them.
Stray dogs tend to be skeptical of people and for good reason. Wouldn’t you be distrustful of humans after spending years living on the streets? We definitely understand where Hermione is coming from here. Once the rescue team was finally able to enlist some good friends to assist them, they captured Hermione. Little did she know that all they wanted was to help her.
Her paw and leg had been severely damaged by the coyote trap. If no one had come along to help her, we shudder to think of what would have happened next. The wound would have become infected and she would have been in even more pain. Eldad and Loreta took her back to California with them, to see if they could find a specialist who would have the ability to save the leg.
While her initial prognosis was very grim, it is our proud duty to report that she is making a full recovery. There are not many experts who would have expected her to be able to keep her paw but the necrosis was treated in a timely manner. This allowed her to make a full recovery and her story is nothing short of miraculous. We cannot believe our own eyes.
If you would like to see what all of the fuss is about, it is time to take a closer look at the clip below. Hermione may have been skeptical of these people at first but they had her best interests at heart.