While the United States has passed various laws to keep animal abuse from taking place, these laws are not always followed as well as they should be. We hate to see animals being mistreated and it makes our day when others share our point of view. That is what makes this story such an amazing one. There is one unlikely group that is taking matters into their own hands.

That’s right, these tattooed bikers are fed up with the disrespect. They are looking to put a stop to these types of occurrences. The sadistic humans who are willing to treat animals poorly will need to start making better decisions. Rescue Ink is a biker group that is spreading a very important message. Perhaps these the folks who abuse animals will listen to them.

We wouldn’t want to end up on the wrong side of these bikers, that is for sure. When neglected animals are being kept by the wrong sort of folks, this group provides them with all of the convincing that they need. It is hard to say no to these guys. They do not allow their persuasion to ever step outside of the boundaries of the law, however.
They do use some techniques that would be described as “in your face”, though. The abusive pet owners have no choice but to give up their animals when they are confronted by these men. We wouldn’t want to find out what happens when you say no. The bikers say that they are more effective than the police in this regard. The police are unable to engage in certain tactics.
This is something that the abusive pet owners are already well aware of. However, when they see these bikers pulling up? It is a whole different story. They do not know what the bikers are capable of, nor do they wish to find out. No one is injured and the pets are handed over to the proper authorities in a timely manner.

If you would like to learn more about what this Long Island organization has to offer, please be sure to check out the informative clip below. The group tries their best to make sure that truly loving pet owners get the help they need and no animal is removed without just cause. We would like to think that we speak for all of the animal lovers out there when we say: THANK YOU!! Please keep up the great work.