Teen with ‘terrible anxiety’ left in tears at prom after bullies pour juice over her

Kids are cruel, and as a result, a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Doncaster, England had her prom experience ruined by bullies who emptied a jug of juice all over her.

Emilee Perry was left soaked and in tears after a full jug of juice was tipped all over her dress, forcing her to go home early.

Her mother Tracy Perry was furious over her daughter’s harassment at prom, so she went on Facebook, posting pictures of the wet and miserable Emilee, shaming the students who had ruined her prom.

Tracy wrote on her post, “This is my beautiful daughter, who suffers with anxiety, whom we had to beg to go to the prom this evening. Two hours later I collect her from the prom like this, heartbroken and in a state.”

Tracy then added, “This ‘person’ thought it a good idea to pour a full jug of juice over her and soak her from head to toe. I hope one day someone humiliates and devastates her like she has done to my daughter!!!!”

The Facebook post quickly went viral on social media, with hundreds of social media users sending Tracy and Emilee messages of commiseration and support. The images and caption of Emilee’s bullying have gained over 2,300 reactions and over 1000 comments.

In a follow-up post a while later, Emilee reached out to the users on social media and expressed, “Wow, I just want to take the time out to thank each and every person that has gone out of the way to absolutely shower me with love and support!”

“It is greatly appreciated and I will most certainly be eternally grateful for the extremely unexpected outcome of this situation! I’ve had so much support and so many people contacting me that I simply can not reply to each and every one so I’m hoping that you all see this post! The way that people have responded has absolutely overwhelmed me and has proven to me that I can get through everything and [I] hope that this makes me a stronger person. I’m personally making the decision to keep the name of the girl anonymous because I would HATE to be spreading her name around and causing her more hate and stress ❤️❤️❤️,” Emilee added. 

If you or anyone you know, has been a victim of bullying, know that you’re not alone and you can visit the official website of the Anti-Bullying Alliance for help and more information.

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