Vegan Forces Her Dog To Go Vegan, Gets Destroyed By Vet Explaining Why It Looks So Malnourished

It seems as if vegan and vegetarian diets are the flavor of the month. Even more, they are gaining in popularity and most people recognize they are healthy options (for humans). Some vegans get a little over-zealous with their food choices and impose them on their pets. Doing so is not something to take lightly because modifying your pet’s diet could have unfortunate consequences.

Dogs have the ability to live on a vegan diet but it is not what they eat naturally. There are some risks involved and they will need to be monitored carefully for issues. Since they are not receiving all of the amino acids and naturally occurring vitamins that they would get in a meat-based diet, chemically synthesized supplements are needed. These can be expensive and the pet will need to be monitored carefully to ensure they are getting the right amount for their needs. Most veterinarians speak out against the practice but some people still insist on doing it. It isn’t something that they always do for the health of the pet and sometimes, it is just to justify their own feelings on the matter.

A post on Tumblr shows just how disconnected from their pets some people can be. The picture is of a lab who is ‘excited’ about a pan of vegan food. The problem is, it isn’t excitement we see on his face. It is a gaunt-looking and mournful face we see staring back at us. The post pulled quite a discussion and some of the responses are very insightful. You can see them for yourself below:

Source: Tumblr

Source: Tumblr

Some people think that dogs can be vegan:

Source: Tumblr

But then a vet joined the conversation:

Source: Tumblr

Other had their own opinions:

Source: Tumblr

Source: Tumblr

Source: Tumblr

Source: TumblrBoredPanda

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