If you have kids, you have probably seen them playing house and they might even enjoy doing some housework. Unlike adults, they get to enjoy it as a game but once it is no longer a game, it is no longer fun. If you want to harness some of that energy it is now possible because a toy vacuum cleaner is available and it actually works.
It is the Little Henry Vacuum from Casdon and it looks just like a small version of a real vacuum cleaner. It even has some suction power that allows it to pick up a little waste, some light dirt, beads and other objects that may find their way to the floor.

When your kids say they want to be just like you, you could hand them this toy vacuum and let them do a little bit of your housework. At the same time, they can keep their playroom neat and tidy.
The good news is, you can purchase one of these vacuums from a number of different sellers on Amazon and you only pay about $18 plus shipping or $46 with free shipping.

Parents will be interested in knowing that the miniature vacuum does take batteries and it does make noise. A little research into the product listing and reviews will show you that it doesn’t make as much noise as a real vacuum cleaner.

The product reviews from parents say that it does really pick up a little trash, dirt and hair. It is not generally recommended for a spring cleaning but if you want your kids to help tidy up, it is a great choice to do so.

“This little guy is so cute — my grandson’s name is Henry so I purchased it for him. He just turned five and is definitely at the ‘being neat’ age,” one reviewer wrote. “I wouldn’t recommend it for actual grown up cleaning, but it DOES pick up little bits — and the tubing is clear, so a neatnik can see what’s happening. My Harry is going to love Henry!”

You can also purchase the Hetty, which is a pink version of the mini-vacuum cleaner. It’s adorable and quite popular.
The Hetty is selling for a little over $30 on Amazon.

Your kids may just enjoy cleaning to the point where they will want more than one! One parent is already saying that it has happened in her home: “My [s]on LOVES Henry and now wants Hetty LOL :-)” on Amazon.

If Henry and Hetty don’t provide enough fun for your kids, you could purchase a cleaning trolley that includes a mop, broom and dustpan.
You can pick up the Henry version on Amazon.

The Hetty is also available on Amazon.

If you really want to go all out, you could buy the vacuum and an accessory kit that includes a mop and bucket. The accessories are under $10 on Amazon.

Of course, they come in Hetty pink as well so you can keep things in the same colors.

These may be a popular option but they certainly are not your only option to buy online. Dyson makes a ball vacuum for children that also works quite well.
You can find the Dyson on Amazon for around $25 and it comes in multiple colors, including red, purple, pink and yellow.

Your children will have extra fun because the colorful balls pop inside of the vacuum as they push it around.
It’s time to have fun with your kids and let them take on some of your heavy load.