Cosmo is beyond adorable, isn’t he? This Saint Bernard is a super cuddly dog and it hurts our heart to hear about his hard life. He’s certainly had a rough go of it. He was ditched by his breeder when he was small. The Hearts United for Animals shelter took him in. Poor Cosmo seemed to be baffled by the situation. He did not understand why he had been abandoned.
The staffers took to him right away. He was kind and friendly, despite his predicament. They wanted to make sure that the dog was able to find a forever home soon. Jayne came across Cosmo while browsing online. She was immediately smitten by the pup. It was love at first sight. Unfortunately, the woman was living in upstate New York and the dog was residing in Nebraska.

Jayne would not allow the distance to keep her from her new pal. She flew out to Nebraska as soon as she could. This selfless woman even rented a car, so that she could drive the dog back home. She was worried at first. Jayne wondered if the dog was actually going to like her. She was fretting about Cosmo and did not know if they were going to be able to get along.
As it turns out, these fears were totally unfounded. The two became friends immediately. Jayne says that Cosmo was so sweet, all he wanted was some love. Of course, this is something that she was able to provide in abundance. When he arrived at his new home, the most priceless moment occurred. This poor dog had never set foot inside of a home.

He did not know how to act but the scene was simply too cute for words. All of these new sights and smells were a lot for him to take in. The family was hoping that he would be able to acclimate himself. So far, so good. He has become friends with the family’s giant rabbit. Grendel and Poppy, the family’s other dogs, have been pleased to make his acquaintance as well.
Would you like to watch this dog in action at his new home? If you would like to see this dog’s priceless reactions to his first home ever, be sure to check out the clip below. If you loved this clip as much as we did, take a moment to pass it along to the dog lovers in your life.