Adventurous Dog Loves Going Down Giant Slide into Lake

Families love to head to the lake once the summertime comes around. These outings offer families the chance to take their dogs out for some much needed fun in the sun as well. We all know how excited our dogs get when they have the chance to head outside. They instinctively know when they are being taken out to the lake and their joy is infectious.

Take the dog in this story, for instance. Mollie is a Collie who enjoys the outdoors just as much as any dog you can imagine. When she gets her chance to head out to the lake with her loved ones, she is not about to miss a beat. This lake looks especially fun, too. Can you believe that they have a special slide on hand? We would have a ball at this lake, too.

Obviously, you can imagine the level of joy that Mollie experienced. She’s been able to spend some time splashing around in the past but nothing on this level, of course. The sheer happiness on her face in this clip is absolutely priceless. We cannot believe how adept she is at using this slide. It was kind of scary to watch her climb the ladder, we are not going to lie.

She’s an adventurous pup, for sure. Kudos to this family for being willing to include her in the good times. We are tired of reading stories about dogs that are left to their own devices. It is a welcome change from the rash of stories about dogs who have been left inside of a hot car. Mollie is being given a great chance to beat the heat.

This is one dog who knows how to seize the day. We admire her lust for life. Mollie’s adventures are well worth taking the time to check out. If you are anything like us, you will love this clip and want to share with the dog lovers in your life. Dog owners everywhere will be hard pressed to avoid watching this clip. They may even want to make their own summer plans.

We know that we are doing our best to find lakes in our area that have water slides that our dog can use. If you loved Mollie’s adventures as much as we did, take a moment to check out the clip below. Once you have had the chance to see for yourself, be sure to pass it along!

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