Amazon Is Selling A Bracelet That Shocks You For Eating Fast Food Or Spending Too Much Money

If you’re struggling with weight loss then this gadget could be your answer.

Amazon is selling the Pavlok bracelet, something that promises to help you sort your life out, and that can range from any issue such as spending too much time online, biting your nails or oversleeping. 

Basically, every time you cross a line, it will give you a gentle reminder, in the form of a 350-volt electric shock.

And if that’s not incentive enough to cut back on the snacking, your friends or family can even download the app, which means that they’ll get an alert if you try to sneak that extra cake slice. No one wants their mom calling them at work to put down the donut, right? Talk about embarrassing.

According to the manufacturer, “Pavlok allows you to speak your reptile brain’s language by adding an unpleasant element (a safe and harmless ‘zap’ of electricity on your wrist) to what you have been taught to love (your nasty lingering habit), quickly conditioning your mind to associate an ‘unpleasant’ feeling with your bad habit… and stopping it all together.”

The Pavlok is priced at $199, and has 150 shocks per charge – meaning if you’re not much of a rule breaker, it could last you a while.

Speaking to ABC News, the Pavlok’s inventor said, “It feels like if you were to touch a doorknob after rubbing your socks on the carpet.”

“There’s a real power in using a little bit of pain to help you break your bad habits,” he added.

So far, the reviews have been mixed, with some people saying it’s helped them form better habits, while others are criticizing the quality of the product. 

The Amazon page states:

“Pavlok allows you to speak your reptile brain’s language by adding an unpleasant element (a safe and harmless ‘zap’ of electricity on your wrist) to what you have been taught to love (your nasty lingering habit). Quickly conditioning your mind to associate an “unpleasant” feeling with your bad habit… and stopping it altogether.” 

Pavlok quotes a number of success stories on their website, with quotes from people who have allegedly broken habits from smoking to nail-biting by giving themselves a shock.

“I didn’t want to shock myself so I wouldn’t eat the food in the first place,” a woman named Tasha says. “I haven’t had any refined sugar, which is awesome…I feel like I’m back in control of my relationship with food. I feel like I have a much healthier relationship with food.”

While a testimonial from Dave Rogenmoser reads:

“I tried a lot of things to form new habits and break old habits. When I got Pavlok, I was really impressed with the quality. I started using the little alarm system that helps to wake you up. After doing that for 30 days I woke up more consistently than I ever have in my life. Love it.”

Would you try it out in order to break some bad habits? Get it on Amazon.

h/t: Distractify | ABC NEWS

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